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Perdex Personalberatung GmbH
Rotbachstr. 126
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conversionmedia GmbH & Co. KG, Dinslaken

Quellenangaben für die verwendeten Bilder und Grafiken:

Adobe Stock:
alkaline batteries with a focus on a single battery © vefimov / Adobe Stock
Information technology goals © olly / Adobe Stock
Retro dressed detective © olly / Adobe Stock
Motivierter Mann mit Muskeln aus Kreide © Robert Kneschke / Adobe Stock
Fishing as recreation and sports displayed by fisherman at lake © nd3000 / Adobe Stock
Fußabdruck im Sand © Thomas Söllner / Adobe Stock
Nadel im Heuhaufen. Sprichwort für Herausforderung im Managemen © Gina Sanders / Adobe Stock
Tęcza nad wiosennym,zielonym polem © Mike Mareen / Adobe Stock
Auster mit Perle auf Holztisch © Björn Wylezich / Adobe Stock
Leopard lacewing butterfly come out from pupa © lirtlon / Adobe Stock
Little Apple is reflected in the mirror. But the reflection looks like the big Apple © tktyfy / Adobe Stock
Job Recruiting © nitsawan / Adobe Stock
pawn aspiration © psychoshadow / Adobe Stock
00370STN © dispicture / Adobe Stock
100799203 © pathdoc / Adobe Stock

Aufstieg und Karriere © imageteam / Fotolia
Entscheidung © imageteam / Fotolia
Picking Up Red Man © A1Stock / Fotolia
Connections 4 – Die Verbindung / Fotolia

Freight train in motion © aapsky / shutterstock
Personal development, personal and career growth, progress and potential concepts. Coach (human resources officer, manager, mentor) motivate employee to growth. © Jirsak / shutterstock
train shunting with steam cloud from a coking plant in the background © nohab / shutterstock
Close-up of workplace in modern office with business people behind © Dragon Images / shutterstock
Young businessteam working together in bright office.? © StockLite / shutterstock
Businesswoman © Chinaview / shutterstock
